Whether you own a small, medium, or large business enterprise, you can benefit from using Laserfiche document management solutions. Laserfiche has been a trusted name in the field of electronic document management since 1987. If you’re looking for a savvy solution to managing overwhelming business documents, then Laserfiche is perfect tool for you.
So how can Laserfiche help you become a more efficient and productive company?
Laserfiche can assist you in transitioning into a paperless office so you can store, organize, manage, retrieve, and distribute documents quickly, securely, and cost-efficiently.
Going paperless—this sounds like a simple process. In fact it is, but other enterprise management companies fail to provide a document management solution as complete and as efficient as Laserfiche’s. With Laserfiche, transitioning into a paperless office is a simple, easy process.
After loading the Laserfiche software into your server, scan your documents. Once scanned, the information is entered into the system, stored on a media (hard drive, tape, optical disk, etc.), and then converted into TIFF (tagged image file format) files. Users can then retrieve documents from the Laserfiche workstation and view the documents based on their access rights (CEO, manager, supervisor, etc.).
The Laserfiche software is known for its ease of use, efficiency, reliability, and scalability. It offers unique document management features including:
- Indexing of documents using keywords
- Sophisticated optical character recognition (OCR) enables full-text indexing. This, in turn, provides quick and easy access to organized files as every word becomes a search term or keyword.
- Extensive search system (you can retrieve documents based on date, type of file, etc.)
- Graphical browsing (you can browse on the network level of folders and files)
- Application-based security (you can’t view files and folders unless you have the appropriate access rights)
The combination of full-text indexing, bulk indexing, and graphical browsing makes Laserfiche the best software there is for general office filing as well as for managing image documents and text documents (e.g. reports, client records).
Laserfiche boasts of having helped over 28,000 corporations, health and financial organizations, government agencies improve their business processes. You, too, can experience the benefits of an efficiently managed paperless organization by using Laserfiche.